
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fly, Fly Away

It's done! I've placed the deposit on my trip to Rome this October. I will fly into Italy on the morning on October 5th and fly back on the 11th. I was kicking around a few other intersting ideas such as travelling to Japan or climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, but Rome was a wiser financial decision and plus I'd rather do a once-in-a-lifetime trip like Kilamanjaro with someone else. I was also hoping for a longer trip, but since I don't earn paid time off at this point, longer than a week would be way too expensive.

I'm also in the market for a new Ipod right now. My Nano isn't terribly old at a little under 4 years, by I've used that thing so much the battery life is horrible on it. I lose at least half the battery on my train ride in the morning and if I listen to it on the way home, it's almost dead. which means if I want to go for a run with it, I need to plug it in and wait awhile before I can go. And my motivation drops with each minute I sit on the couch. I don't know if I want to just get an ipod classic or shell out a little more and get the shiny ipod touch. Decisions, decisions...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Man what a gorgeous day today huh? I felt bad for all the sucker who had to work all afternoon. After work I drug my butt outside for a run, then took an hour nap and went back outside for a walk since it was still light out. It needs to be nice like this more often!

In other news, my passport arrived in the mail yesterday so I'm now busy trying to plan my trip. I still haven't decided exactly where I'm going to go yet. I have a few ideas other than Rome I'm kicking around. But nothing final.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Music Saturday!

I added 5 new songs to my playlist today! I hope everyone enjoys them and perhaps finds a new artist they like. I've reached the 100 song maximum on my playlist so rather than creating a completely new playlist, I'm just going to start deleting from the bottom since people probably don't venture that far down anyways.

Tonight I decided I was going to walk over to Sweeney's and have some food and drinks and chat it up with complete strangers. Upon arriving however, the place was absolutely packed! A crowded bar at 9pm on a Saturday night? Who'd have thought?! So I walked down to The Muddy Pig and...same thing. Packed. After that rejection I just gave up on the whole idea and walked home. On my way home however I saw something pretty cool. There was a guy walking 4 small dogs on leases with two unleashed cats prancing along behind the group. It was like Dr. Doolittle or something! There were probably birds following this guy too, but it was dark so I didn't see them. haha