I added 5 new songs to my playlist today! I hope everyone enjoys them and perhaps finds a new artist they like. I've reached the 100 song maximum on my playlist so rather than creating a completely new playlist, I'm just going to start deleting from the bottom since people probably don't venture that far down anyways.
Tonight I decided I was going to walk over to Sweeney's and have some food and drinks and chat it up with complete strangers. Upon arriving however, the place was absolutely packed! A crowded bar at 9pm on a Saturday night? Who'd have thought?! So I walked down to The Muddy Pig and...same thing. Packed. After that rejection I just gave up on the whole idea and walked home. On my way home however I saw something pretty cool. There was a guy walking 4 small dogs on leases with two unleashed cats prancing along behind the group. It was like Dr. Doolittle or something! There were probably birds following this guy too, but it was dark so I didn't see them. haha

Should have ventured further east to the Happy Gnome. It was fairly busy there, too, but a few open tables.
Thanks for the new tunes :)
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